It’s Christmas!

Wow! Christmas time again! Every year seems to fly past faster than the year before. Staying organised and clutter free at Christmas is a challenge, what with all the busyness, the shopping, wrapping, decorating, cooking and preparing for our time with our loved ones. I started my shopping a little earlier this year and put [...]

Coaching to change

People come to coaching because they are looking for change. But change doesn’t happen over night. Habits take time to form, and conversely take time to break. The definition of change according to Wikipedia (2012) is “the process of becoming different”. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2012) says its “to replace with another, to make a shift [...]


“People with integrity are those whose words match their deeds and whose behaviours mirror their values. Their honesty and ethics can be trusted unconditionally. They honour commitment. They are dependable. They are known for doing the right things, for the right reasons, at the right times. While numerous tales of integrity take place in the [...]